Researchers believe that all addictions, whether they are for work, pornography, eating, sex, or gambling have very similar processes going on inside the brain. Dr. Sabine Grüsser-Sinopoli of Germany believes “Addiction is all the same”. This ideology is very profound in that it means any overindulgence we choose to partake of may in fact become an addiction with negative effects to our health. Many of us like to dismiss pornography as something harmless, with a “Guys will be Guys” attitude. Others believe that it is destructive to families and demeaning to women. However, regardless of whether society or our environments are to blame, if addiction does occur within the brain, it is possible to identify the problems and treat it.

Sex Addiction and the Brain:

It is not my intention to propagate either view, but to inform you of the findings of neuroscience regarding the effects of pornography on the brain. It may also eventually lead to the possibility of preventing them by preventing the possibility of developing an addiction through identifying the behaviors of personal choice. If these behaviors can be labeled and researched, they can be used to identify possible future problems. In “The Brain Science behind Pornography Addiction and the Effects of Addiction on Families and Communities”, Judith Reisman, presents certain findings.

  • Emotionally arousing images imprint and alter the brain by resulting in an involuntary, but lasting, biochemical memory trail.
  • Pornography also commonly triggers the viewer’s “fight or flight” sex hormones producing intense arousal states
  • These intense arousal states are similar to the “high” produced by abuse of street or prescription drugs. The difference is that these highs are produced by the viewer’s own brain.
  • The erotic images also serve to blend the conscious state of libidinous arousal with the unconscious emotions of fear, shame, anger and hostility
  • The erotic fantasies become deeply imbedded and addicting many of those exposed.

About Rochna:

Rochna Hazra is trained in Marriage and Family Therapy at Virginia Tech. She includes the emotional, psychological, spiritual and family aspects of a person in her work. Rochna has been trained by Dr. Pat Carnes, a pioneer in the field of Sex Addiction.

Rochna is also a Certified Advanced Relapse Prevention Specialist and trained in Sex Addiction and Mindfulness-based Therapy and Relapse Prevention.

Originally from India, she combines the Eastern traditions of mindfulness, non-judgment and a holistic approach to healing with the Western approach of realism and solution-focused action.

Click here to learn more about Sex Addiction treatment and my practice in Leesburg, Virginia